Saturday, November 21, 2009

24 5/7 mommy gets to hold

Just some quick facts, first for those who are reading this blog but are unfamiliar with myself or my daughter Samantha,, prior to Zane birth she had two miscarriages.  When she found out she was pregnant with Zane I really did not acknowledge the pregnancy for fear that she might miscarry again --when she hit the 23rd week mark I relaxed and started to prepare for my upcoming grandson birth in March....when Sam went into premature labor I panicked because I realized what an up hill battle this would be, I am a NICU nurse (neonatal intensive care unit) and taking care of premature infants is second nature to me but I am  all too aware of the ups and downs associated with their every day I hold my breathe waiting to I hear from one of my colleagues about Zane's progress

Today Zane was taken care of by Ashby who allowed Samantha to hold Zane (in his isolette) while she changed out his snuggle.  Samantha held him very careful and she was afraid to move she said she could feel his heart beating and him breathing  but she did a wonderful job and Zane tolerated the handling well,  He is back on his bili lights and still has a metabolic acidosis, a loud murmur can be heard and he is receiving his last does of neoprofen tonight.  A echo will be ordered on Monday to see if his PDA has closed----my bet he will need another round. Because of the PDA he has extra fluid shunted to his lungs and it is harder to get off the ventilator, his settings are not horrible rate of 32 18/5 he seems to like his pressure.

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