Friday, November 27, 2009

25 4/7 Free Air

Free air is not a good thing. In fact it is one of those terms that the NICU nurse hates to hear. It is an indication that at some point the baby's intestines had less oxygen and became compromised. The bacteria in the intestines builds up and actually is released, which causes the air to escape. This air can be seen on xray as a bubble over the liver. Surgery is called and either a drain is placed or a laparotomy can be done. The laparotomy actually examines the bowels and determines how much has been affected and either an ostomy is placed or the infant is closed back up. Unfortunately for Zane he is too little and compromised to withstand a laparotomy right now, so only the drain will be placed. The hope is that the drain will allow the air to escape and give his bowel time to heal.

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