Although Zane has yet to gain weight he was able to wean off the JET and is on the conventional ventilator, maybe, possible tonight he will be put to CPAP. When we go to visit him him, he will open his eyes and moves his hands as if he is acknowledging us. He has been sucking on his pacifier and tries to get his fist into his mouth. He looks so pale/grey to me, it amazes me how much this little boy has been through and he continues to fight. His replogle has been removed only his endotracheal tube (ETT) remains, his vent settings are very low 18/5 rate of 30. He has a 90% leak around his ETT so we know that he is doing a lot of the work on his own
He has multiple bruises and you can see in the photo's how frail he looks, yet when we call his name he opens up his eyes. His weight is still 580 grams he has yet to make his birth weight. Surgery said that he can start trophic (small feeds 1-2 ml to prime the gut) feeds on Thursday since he has started to stool out of his ostomy site. Now Samantha and Jonathan will have to learn how to place an ostomy bag .....oh what fun!
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