His red eyebrows really stick out now! He was placed on CPAP which is not pleasant the baby experiences continuous air being blown up your nose, it is less invasive than being intubated and the infant needs to work at breathing. CPAP will give the baby positive pressure to help keep his alevoli open. This method is used when the infant's oxygen needs are less than 40 % . It is my hope that he will be able to maintain his saturation's while on CPAP and that he can be changed to nasal canal and then hopefully room in a short time span.
Zane was not happy when the CPAP was placed and he looks like he is giving his nurse a heck of a time as he was very mad!!

Luckily he settled down once he was place on his belly and he did well for the rest of the night. In the last picture he appears to be saying what ever. Zane is making great progress and the power of pray is evident in each of his milestones!

ADORABLE!!! And I am SOOOO glad he's making such awesome progress! He has so many people praying for him, it's no wonder he's doing so well!!