Zane vent setting increased last night his peep was 8.5 and pip was 29 on the JET, because of these settings it was decided to proceed with his laparotomy instead of his PDA closure. Zane was able to tolerate the surgery and lost only a few centimeters of his bowel, a ostomy was created which can be closed once he gets stronger and weighs more @ 2kg. Zane was also started on decadron today, this is a steroid that is being used to help decrease inflammation in his lungs, some of the side effects is glucose instability and can increase his risk for cp (cerebral palsy)
Zane's primary also noticed that he keeps his fingers closed and does not like to stretch them out so she made him little hand splints to keep his fingers straighten out until he is big enough to have PT/OT take care of him.
Here is a photo of two of his primary care nurses, notice they are wearing their gloves.....:-)
Hopefully Zane will settle out tonight so that he can have his PDA ligated tommorow., so many surgeries such a small infant....
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